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Each house consists of a power family patron, a benefactor that resides over the questions concerning the future of the House. These Powerful families have unique hidden backgrounds ... Secrets they may not want you to uncover...


House of Fire

The PHOENIX & The Wand


Family Benefactor

The Azars


Envoke the name of Ignis
Inspire. Inspirare.
Enlighten. Illuminare.
Excite. Alacer.
Burn. Adolebit.

Ambitious and charismatic, House Ignis sports the colors of gold, purple, and deep orange. Their passion and enthusiasm seep from every pore, and they do love pleasure - and our known for their hedonisic parties.


House of Earth

The Unicorn & The Pentacle


Family Benefactor

The Montclairs

Summon the name of Solum.
Revive. Vivificet.
Build. Maruis.
Ground. Terram.
Give. Talem.

Idealistic, chivalrous, and curious, House Solum boasts of the philosophers of Albion. However, these ideals can often lead them to their downfalls, as their ideals make them closed minded as they take their perceived high ground.



House of Air

The Dragon & The Sword



The Zephyrus

Recollect the name of Caelum.
Contemplate. Puto.
Breathe. Spirant.
Focus. Intendi.
Decide. Decernere.

Smart, studious, - and often aloof - Caelum attracts the quick-witted. Always wanting the last word, a Caelum will study for a week motivated by competition and challenge. However, they make loyal friends when you prove yourself worthy.



House of Water

The Kraken & The Grail



The Caspians

Unify the name of Undas.
Dream. Somnium.
Cleanse. Munda.
Connect. Coniungere.
Mystify. Mirari.

Psychic and imaginative, the Undas can sometimes seem solitary, only taking pleasure in the company of other empaths. To be one of the Undas is to be one with the universe, and once you are initiated into the House, you may never be the same...

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© 2023 by Moonrise LARP Games & Otherworld Theatre Company


Disclaimer: Albion: School of Sorcery is in no way connected with J.K. Rowling, Scholastic Books, Bloomsbury Publishing or Warner Bros. It is not endorsed by any of the aforementioned parties. Rights to characters and their images is neither claimed nor implied.

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